Books from 2024
The World's Most Destructive Weapons: Thirty Years of the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Lessons and Legacies of the War in Ukraine: Conference Report, Jeffrey Mankoff
China’s Forever War: What If a Taiwan Invasion Fails?, Joel Wuthnow
Books from 2023
Integrated Deterrence and Cyberspace: Selected Essays Exploring the Role of Cyber Operations in the Pursuit of National Interest, Joseph L. Billingsley; Heidi K. Kerg , USN; Jim Q. Chen; Michael Navicky; Benjamin Tkach; and J.D. Work
Solarium at 70: Project Solarium’s Influence on Eisenhower Historiography and National Security Strategy, Walter M. Hudson
Books from 2022
“We Choose to Go to the Moon”: An Analysis of a Cold War Means-Developing Strategy, David Christopher Arnold
Priorities for NATO Partnerships in an Era of Strategic Competition, Lisa Aronsson and Brett Swaney
Controlling Chemical Weapons in the New International Order, John P. Caves , Jr. and W. Seth Carus
Dangerous Alliances: Russia’s Strategic Inroads in Latin America, Douglas Farah and Marianne Richardson
Gangs No Longer: Reassessing Transnational Armed Groups in the Western Hemisphere, Douglas Farah and Marianne Richardson
The Civil War and Revolutions in Naval Affairs: Lessons for Today, David C. Gompert and Hans Binnendikj
The Inevitable U.S. Return and the Future of Great Power Competition in South Asia, Thomas F. Lynch
Academics vs. Aliens: Selected Essays on Social Science Research, Defense Education, and the Power of Partnerships, Gwyneth Sutherlin, Veronica Wendt, Amy K. Sitze, Dawn Scott, Michael L. Halligan II, Tyler B. Harris, Shawn M. Bault, Jericho J. Guzman, Blaise Zandoli, Eric C. Danielsen, Armand Cucciniello, Christopher King, Patricia Pefley, David E. Bolanos, and David P. Meadows
Crafting Strategy for Irregular Warfare: A Framework for Analysis and Action (2nd Edition), David H. Ucko and Thomas A. Marks
Rightsizing Chinese Military Lessons from Ukraine, Joel Wuthnow
Books from 2021
Future Directions for Great Power Nuclear Arms Control: Policy Options and National Security Implications, T. Justin Bronder
The PRC’s Changing Strategic Priorities in Latin America: From Soft Power to Sharp Power Competition, Douglas Farah and Marianne Richardson
Iran in Latin America: Malign Alliances, “Super Spreaders,” and Alternative Narratives, Douglas Farah and Alexa Tavarez
Baltics Left of Bang: The Southern Shore, Marcel Hadeed, Mariusz Kaminski, Monika Sus, Brett Swaney, and Amelie Theussen
Doing Well by Doing Good? Strategic Competition and United Nations Peacekeeping, Bryce Loidolt
Russia and Saudi Arabia: Old Disenchantments, New Challenges, John W. Parker and Thomas F. Lynch III
Cyber Threats and Weapons of Mass Destruction, Shane Smith
Winning the Fight Taiwan Cannot Afford to Lose, Drew Thompson
PLA Overseas Operations in 2035: Inching Toward a Global Combat Capability, Joel Wuthnow, Phillip C. Saunders, and Ian Burns McCaslin
Books from 2020
Baltics Left of Bang: Comprehensive Defense in the Baltic States, Dalia Bankauskaite, Janis Berzins, Deividas Slekys, Tony Lawrence, Brett Swaney, and T.X. Hammes
Latin America 2020: Challenges to U.S. National Security Interests, Craig A. Deare
The European Union’s Permanent Structured Cooperation: Implications for Transatlantic Security, Colonel Jonathan Dunn USA
The Micromanagement Myth and Mission Command: Making the Case for Oversight of Military Operations, Christopher J. Lamb
Beyond Borders: PLA Command and Control of Overseas Operations, Dr. Phillip C. Saunders
Baltics Left of Bang: Nordic Total Defense and Implications for the Baltic Sea Region, Håkon Lunde Saxi Ph.D., Bengt Sundelius, and Brett Swaney
Just Another Paper Tiger? Chinese Perspectives on the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, Dr. Joel Wuthnow
The PLA Beyond Asia: China’s Growing Military Presence in the Red Sea Region, Dr. Joel Wuthnow
Books from 2019
Finding Ender: Exploring the Intersections of Creativity, Innovation, and Talent Management in the U.S. Armed Forces, Susan F. Bryant and Andrew Harrison
Fentanyl as a Chemical Weapon, John P. Caves , Jr.
A Strategic Overview of Latin America: Identifying New Convergence Centers, Forgotten Territories, and Vital Hubs for Transnational Organized Crime, Douglas Farah and Kathryn Babineau
El Salvador’s Recognition of the People’s Republic of China: A Regional Context, Douglas Farah and Caitlyn Yates
Baltics Left of Bang: The Role of NATO with Partners in Denial-Based Deterrence, Colonel Robert M. Klein USA (Ret.), Lieutenant Commander Stefan Lundqvist Ph.D., Colonel Ed Sumangil USAF, and Ulrica Pettersson Ph.D.
Mercenaries and War: Understanding Private Armies Today, Sean McFare
Thucydides’ Other “Traps”: The United States, China, and the Prospect of “Inevitable” War, Alan Greeley Misenheimer
Between Russia and Iran: Room to Pursue American Interests in Syria, John W. Parker
The Enduring Relevance of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, James J. Przystup
Five Conundrums: The United States and the Conflict in Syria, Michael A. Ratney
Books from 2018
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Environmental Sustainability, Philip Stockdale, Rebekah Kirkwood, Julie Sapp, and Jonathan Daniel
Books from 2017
Shifting Human Environment: How Trends in Human Geography Will Shape Future Military Operations, Paul T. Bartone and Mitchell Armbruster
A Short History of Biological Warfare: From Pre-History to the 21st Century, W. Seth Carus
The Proliferation Security Initiative in 2017: U.S. Interagency Perspectives, Joanna M. Gabryszewski
Managing Military Readiness, Laura J. Junor
India-Japan Strategic Cooperation and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region, Thomas F. Lynch III and James J. Przystup
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Negotiations: A Case Study, Maurice A. Mallin
Putin’s Syrian Gambit: Sharper Elbows, Bigger Footprint, Stickier Wicket, John W. Parker
Asia and the Trump Administration: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Road Ahead, James J. Przystup and Phillip C. Saunders
Like, Comment, Retweet: The State of the Military's Nonpartisan Ethic in the World of Social Media, Heidi A. Urben
Books from 2016
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Challenges for the New Administration, John P. Caves , Jr.
Fifty Shades of Friction Combat Climate, B-52 Crews, and the Vietnam War, Mark Clodfelter
Violating Reality: The Lavelle Affair, Nixon, and the Parsing of the Truth, Mark Clodfelter
Frontier Security: The Case of Brazil, John A. Cope and Andrew Parks
Will Technological Convergence Reverse Globalization?, T.X. Hammes
Korean Unification and the Future of the U.S.-ROK Alliance, David F. Helvey
The NSC Staff: New Choices for a New Administration, R.D. Hooker , Jr.
Reflections on U.S.-Cuba Military-to-Military Contacts, Hal Klepak
Cross-Functional Teams in Defense Reform: Help or Hindrance?, Christopher J. Lamb
National Security Reform and the 2016 Election, Christopher J. Lamb and Joseph Bond
China’s Future SSBN Command and Control Structure, David C. Logan
India’s Naxalite Insurgency: History, Trajectory, and Implications for U.S.-India Security Cooperation on Domestic Counterinsurgency, Thomas F. Lynch III
The Return of Foreign Fighters to Central Asia: Implications for U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, Thomas F. Lynch III, Michael Bouffard, Lesley King, and Graham Vickowski
The NATO Warsaw Summit: How to Strengthen Alliance Cohesion, Alexander Mattelaer
Supporting Democracy in Erdoǧan’s Turkey: The Role of Think Tanks, Richard H.M. Outzen and Ryan Schwing
China’s Goldwater-Nichols? Assessing PLA Organizational Reforms, Phillip C. Saunders and Joel Wuthnow
Posing Problems Without an Alliance: China-Iran Relations after the Nuclear Deal, Joel Wuthnow
The Soviet Biological Weapons Program and Its Legacy in Today’s Russia, Raymond A. Zilinskas
Books from 2015
Understanding Putin Through a Middle Eastern Looking Glass, John W. Parker
The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Review of the Guidelines for Defense Cooperation, James J. Przystup
An Empirical Analysis of Claimant Tactics in the South China Sea, Christopher D. Yung and Patrick McNulty
Books from 2014
The Future of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Their Nature and Role in 2030, John P. Caves Jr. and W. Seth Carus
The Defense Acquisition Trilemma: The Case of Brazil, Patrice Franko
The Grand Strategy of the United States, R.D. Hooker
Policy Challenges of Accelerating Technological Change: Security Policy and Strategy Implications of Parallel Scientific Revolutions, James Kadtke and Linton Wells II
The Bosnian Train and Equip Program: A Lesson in Interagency Integration of Hard and Soft Power, Christopher J. Lamb, Sarah Arkin, and Sally Scudder
A Strategic Vision and a New Management Approach for the Department of the Navy’s Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Portfolio, Joseph P. Lawrence
The Rising Terrorist Threat in Tanzania: Domestic Islamist Militancy and Regional Threats, Andre LeSage
The Nightmare Years to Come?, Regis W. Matlak
Strategy and Force Planning in a Time of Austerity, Michael J. Meese
The U.S. “Rebalance” and Europe: Convergent Strategies Open Doors to Improved Cooperation, Leo G. Michel and James J. Przystup
The Flawed Strategic Debate on Syria, Richard H.M. Outzen
Targeted Killing of Terrorists, Nicholas Rostow
The Indian Jihadist Movement: Evolution and Dynamics, Stephen Tankel
Books from 2013
Organizational Analysis of the TIDES Project and the STAR-TIDES Network using the 7-S Framework, Paul T. Bartone, Mark Vaitkus, Kathleen Jocoy, Jocelyn V. Bartone, Linton Wells II, and Linda M. Wells
Chance favors only the prepared mind:” The Proper Role for U.S. Department of Defense Science and Engineering Workforce, Timothy Coffey
Crisis Stability and Nuclear Exchange Risks on the Subcontinent: Major Trends and the Iran Factor, Thomas F. Lynch III
Suggestions for Evaluating the Quality of the Army’s Science and Technology Program: The Portfolio and Its Execution, John W. Lyons, Richard Chait, and James A. Ratches
External Collaboration in Army Science and Technology: The Army’s Research Alliances, John W. Lyons and James A. Ratches
Russia Still Matters: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities for the Obama Administration, John W. Parker and Michael Kofman
Some Recent Sensor – Related Army Critical Technology Events, James A. Ratches, Richard Chait, and John W. Lyons
Critical Technology Events (CTEs) that Support the Rationale for Army Laboratories Based on Science and Technology Functions Performed, James A. Ratches and John W. Lyons
Transitional Justice for Syria, Nicholas Rostow
The New NATO Policy Guidelines on Counterterrorism: Analysis, Assessments, and Actions, Stefano Santamato
The Rebalance to Asia: U.S.-China Relations and Regional Security, Phillip C. Saunders
Next Steps in Syria, Judith S. Yaphe
Books from 2012
Building Future Transatlantic Interoperability Around a Robust NATO Response Force, Charles Barry