Most Recent Additions*
The Future of Stealth Military Doctrine
Theodoros G. Kostis
Weapons in Space: Technology, Politics, and the Rise and Fall of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Todd W. Pennington
The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the 21st Century’s Greatest Dilemma
Peter Khooshabeh and Robert Underwood
Polybian Warfare: The First Punic War as a Case Study in Strategic Competition and Joint Warfighting
Casey B. Baker
It’s the Chain That Broke It: The Strategic Supply Chains Underpinning National Security
Gregory M. Tomlin
Bullets, Bandages, and Fairy Dust: Improving DMO Health Services Support With Wargaming
Debra D. Buckland-Coffey, Robert P. Gerbracht, Kengo Nishida, and William R. Gureck
Updating the TACS/AAGS for Large-Scale Combat Operations
Matthew Neuenswander
Determining Political Objectives
Milan Vego
The Urgency of Warfighting Renewal: Five Principles for Today’s Professional Military Education
Christopher M. Marcell, Gaylon L. McAlpine, Reagan E. Schaupp, and Joseph L. Varuolo
Being Believed: Persuasion and the Narrative in Military Operations
Brent A. Lawniczak
The Art of Campaigning: Joint Planners Working at the Intersections of Everything
Mary Bell, Edgar M. Hollandsworth, Thomas J. Snukis, Jeffrey Turner, Luke P. Bellocchi, Nicholas Anthony, Steve Tribble, Chris Botterbusch, and Justin D. Harper
Adopting a Data-Centric Mindset for Operational Planning
Jeremiah Hurley and Morgan Greene
Preparing for Adversary Employment of Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons: Tactical Effects, Operational Impacts, Strategic Implications
James H. Gifford
Risk: A Weak Element in U.S. Strategy Formulation
Frank Hoffman
Executive Summary
William T. Eliason
Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 116, 1st Quarter 2025
National Defense University Press
Managing Change: Capability, Adaptability, and Transformation
Hans Binnendijk and Richard L. Kugler
*Updated as of 02/10/25.