China's Quest for Military Supremacy
Maria Carrai, Phillip C. Saunders, and Joel Wuthnow
On 25 Feb, INSS China Center Director Dr. Phillip Saunders and Senior Research Fellow Dr. Joel Wuthnow (INSS) spoke about their new book China’s Quest for Military Supremacy on the podcast, Mapping Global China, hosted by Maria Carrai at NYU Shanghai.
Unpacking China’s PLA Restructuring: A Conversation with Dr. Joel Wuthnow
Bonny Lin and Joel Wuthnow
Dr. Joel Wuthnow (INSS/Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs) was interviewed on the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS) ChinaPower podcast.
The Russo-Chinese Alliance and Great Power Competition with Dr. Tom Lynch
Kelly McFarland and Thomas F. Lynch III
This week, Kelly talks with retired army officer and National Defense University research fellow Dr. Tom Lynch about the impact of Ukraine's war on great power conflict and US-China competition.
China’s Expanding Nuclear Capabilities: A Conversation with David Logan and Phil Saunders
Bonny Lin, David Logan, and Phillip C. Saunders
In this episode of the ChinaPower Podcast, we are joined by David Logan and Phil Saunders, who’ve recently co-authored a new report titled Discerning the Drivers of China’s Nuclear Force Development: Models, Indicators, and Data. They lay out the six models developed in the report and explain which models are the most compelling for explaining China’s behavior. Dr. Logan dives into the expansion in size, structure, and capabilities of China’s nuclear stockpile in the last 10 years but highlights the fact that there has been no official announcement on China’s reasoning for this build-up. In the context of this expansion, Dr. Saunders points out that China is showing signs that its nuclear strategy could be shifting, and he notes that the prospects of strategic arms control have become more complicated.
Double Crisis Double Feature
Colleen Wood and Jeffrey Mankoff
With Kyrgyzstan and Nagorno Karabakh in crisis, Colleen Wood and Jeff Mankoff join to help us break down both.
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