
Books from 2024


The Russo-Chinese Alliance and Great Power Competition with Dr. Tom Lynch, Kelly McFarland and Thomas F. Lynch III

Books from 2022


Rightsizing Chinese Military Lessons from Ukraine, Joel Wuthnow

Books from 2021


Baltics Left of Bang: The Southern Shore, Marcel Hadeed, Mariusz Kaminski, Monika Sus, Brett Swaney, and Amelie Theussen


Winning the Fight Taiwan Cannot Afford to Lose, Drew Thompson

Books from 2020


Strategic Assessment 2020: Into a New Era of Great Power Competition, Thomas F. Lynch III, Hassan Abbas, Zachary M. Abuza, Justin Anderson, Richard Andres, David Auerswald, Paul Bernstein, R. Kim Cragin, Diane DiEuliis, Gerald Epstein, Douglas Farah, T.X. Hammes, Todd C. Helmus, Frank G. Hoffman, Steven Philip Kramer, Irene Kyriakopoulos, Bryce Loidolt, Amanda Moodie, Mariya Omelicheva, James Przystup, Phillip C. Saunders, Shannon Smith, and Caitlyn Yates

Books from 2015


Lessons Encountered: Learning from the Long War, Richard D. Hooker , Jr.; Joseph J. Collins; Alexander Crowther; T.X. Hammes; Frank G. Hoffman; Christopher J. Lamb; Christoff Luehrs; Nicholas Rostow; and Sara Thannhauser