
Joint Force Quarterly


Αs I have written before in this space, change is a constant. NDU Press and Joint Force Quarterly are not immune to this fact. Recently, we moved to a more modern Web-based platform that will be less expensive to maintain and operate. The work became more complicated than anticipated, causing JFQ 113 to be a bit tardy online and in the mailbox, but our team worked out a way to daylight. Leading the charge was our “unicorn” Internet Publications Editor, Ms. Joanna “Joey” Seich. She took a suggested path from my director here at NDU’s Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Dr. Denise Natali, and did the hard work of asking all the right questions and developing a workable plan. Despite challenges both virtual and physical, we are now able to bring you JFQ—and later, the entire INSS catalog—on the Digital Commons platform (https://digitalcommons.ndu.edu). We join more than 650 other universities on this global research and information collaboration system that also serves the public with access to our collection of cutting-edge and historical work on the joint force and more. Let us know what you think of this new experience.
